
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Football - Tackling the game in 4th Grade

It's been mentioned on this BLOG that Jacob has begun playing TACKLE FOOTBALL.  Long gone are the days (at least until next season when he signs-up) when Jacob would just have to throw-on a jersey, some cleats and a couple of flags.  Now, he has to get ready.  We're talking all the accoutraments - shoulder pads, helmet (with the hard chinstrap), thigh pads, etc.  Although one could argue that the biggest change to the household routine of supporting a kid playing football (tackle vs. touch) is laundry - EVERY STINKIN' DAY.

Here's a shot of Jacob's team (in white) lining up on Defense.  Jacob is #55 and plays LB and RB-

Speaking of equipment, let's not forget the one piece of protective equipment that every boy/man both disdains and loves... the cup (I'm not talkin' Dixie cup, and you don't wanna drink nufin' outta it).  As you can imagine, the assignment for getting all the equipment, including the "cup," fell to me - Dad.  As a fresh forty year-old, I can tell you that no piece of eqiupment has changed so much as the codpiece.  I have never seen so many different shapes, sizes, designs... and even colors.  You still wear it UNDER you uniform, right?  In my day, it came simply in adult, youth and deep-dish models, and that was it.  To make a long story short, I rallied to the challenge and got Jacob, my only beloved son, a cup any boy would be proud to wear... along with all the other pads.

To date, Jacob's team has played two games.  This is where I'd love to give you glowing reports of domination and the ultimate surrender and humiliation of our opponent, but alas, such a report would be a bold, blasphemous lie of EPIC proportions.  Although Jacob has won the position of starting tailback, the talents of the team (offensive and defensive lines) appear as UNKNOWN and UNSEEN as Jimmy Hoffa.  The team has amassed a grand total of: 1 first down, and perhaps an offensive yardage total of.... negative 87yds.  Yeah, I said negative.

Here's another update... I've volunteered my coaching services and have been to two practices thus far.  We have a BYE this week (for you ladies, that means we won't be playing) and then we lin it up again to see how much progress we've made.  Unfortunately, we're probably moving into much stiffer competition as the team(s) we've faced have been together for a season or so... the next team(s) have likely been playing together for years.

Shouldn't surprise anyone, here's Jacob's team chasing the other team's RB on his way to the endzone...

You can't see Jacob (pictured above) because my camera snapped the picture right as Jacob moved behind their RB... you can see the top of Jacob's helmet in the picture.  He looks great!

I have assured the kids (and my son) that we will be victorious... but don't forget to wear your cup just in case.

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