
Monday, January 11, 2010

Jacob Equipped for Tackle Football

Jacob will go to his first 11-man tackle football practice tomorrow (Tuesday, 1/12).  Let's not forget that Jacob is a 3-year veteran of Flag Football; however, he's never been in pads, never been tackled and he's never tackled anyone in pads.

To say that Jacob is EXCITED is an understatement.  He's been harassing Mom and Dad for weeks to sign the release papers and get him on a team... we hesitated, and hesitated... and hesitated some more... In the end, we decided to "release" Jacob on the poor hapless children of National Youth Sports (

Jacob's practices will be on Tuesday and Thursday, with a game once a week through the end of February.  Games are on Saturday, just like the NCAA.  Here's a shot of Jacob suiting up-

Looking good, my man (we're big fans of CAMO)...

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