
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Coming Soon-

Church Camp 2010
Iron Chef... S.L.O. style, Guys vs. Dolls

Another... Birthday List

I feel compelled to notify all of you that Stephanie has completed her Birthday List-

Here's some tips in translation the above (for those of you over the age of TWELVE)-
convers... translation... Converse Shoes (if they make Twinkle Toes, I think those are preferred)
  . Kids today probably don't realize that I wore Converse High Tops in High School (cost: $9.99/pair)
LPS... Littlest Pet Shop
LPSO... Littlest Pet Shop Online -- Don't tell Stephanie, but this is a BIG NEGATORY, Ghost Rider.
HAir things... Any of the typical hair styling girlie items (barettes, scrunchies, twisties, bumpies, etc.)

As you may recall, Jacob provided a list and one family member was paying attention - Jessica Daniels (of the Colorado persuasion, not my daughter).  She did indeed purchase and ship Jacob his most coveted present: Crest Cinnamon flavor.

Jessica, here's a shot of Jacob in the full emotion of his THANKS-


I have decided to dedicate this space to the UNSOLVABLE riddle...

I'll welcome comments on the BLOG, but if you figure it out, don't give it away.  Let others share in the challenge...

It Ain't Just 'Bout the Benjamins (aka Birthdays)

We talk the talk AND walk the walk in this house.  It ain't just 'bout the Benjamins in DIS HOUSE.

Editor's Note: When I say "Benjamins," and use the GHETTO LANGUAGE, what I really mean is "Birthday."

Example: "It ain't just 'bout the Benjamins in DIS HOUSE."
Translation: "In our family, we celebrate more than just Birthdays."

Since our forefather's landed at Gettysburg Rock in 1492 we've gathered the family in a Texas state park to celebrate Memorial Day.

Editor's Note: I can never keep the "military holidays" straight, so when I say Memorial Day it could really be Veteran's Day, President's Day, Labor Day... BUT, I do generally get 4th of July right.

We show up at the park in May (or maybe it's June) with rolling coolers.  Yes, we'd like to take this time to thank one of the real men of genius, Mr. Rolling Cooler, Cooler Roller.  Yes, Thank You, sir!  Any way, everyone shows up with their rolling coolers, kids, 'tatoe salad, barbeque-able meat, a few dogs (literally, I mean the ones with legs, as we've found nobody over the age of two-and-a-half prefers a hot dog) and all the other celebratory barbeque accountriments.

... Skip ahead to after we've eaten and played the requisite Adults CRUSH the kids softball game to the more traditional games.  Yes!  You got it.  I mean the three-legged race, sack race and finally the poop a potato game.  You may not be as familiar with the "poop a potato game," as the three-legged race, so I'll explain.  The game is pretty simple.  You put a potato between your legs and ambulate in whatever fashion works for you (without dropping the potato) to a large bucket that also happens to fit comfortably between your legs (, but sitting on the ground of course).  You then "dump" the potato by flexing your quadriceps muscles... the object is to get the potato in the bucket without using your hands.  I have a couple of photos to help with the explanation-


I think that about explains it...

Jessica & Destiny PAR-TAY

It wasn't long ago that my lovely wife celebrated her 40th Birthday.  Me, being her most awesomely, amazing husband arranged a little get together.  Kids today might have called the little gathering a PAR-TAY.  They might've called it that if any kids were there... yup, no kids for Barbara and I.

When we did get home, the kids didn't want to be completely left out.  Jessica (the prettiest eldest daughter in the Daniels family) and Destiny (the most sweetest niece EVER)...

I'm sure you're wondering what pictures of a couple of teenage girls basking in the after-glow of a 40-year old's brithday celebration looks like.  Well, some say it looks a little something like this-

I feel compelled to point out -- Jessica is the one on the left and Destiny is the one playing the guitar, bass guitar that is.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jessica's BIG Award

As school was coming to an end in June... Jessica's last few days as a spry 7th grader, we had an AWARDS ceremony at Summit Christian Academy.  You've probably seen awards ceremonies, but I guarantee this one was unlike anything you've ever witnessed.

They saved the BIGGEST award for last.  The tension was palpable in the auditorium, hushed whispers wandered through the crowd like a lost two-year old looking for his parents... who would win the coveted award.

To our surprise, and utter delight, Jessica Daniels was the name that rang out through the crowd.  She WON!  Barbara and I embraced... so proud of daughter's accomplishment.  She walked to the cafeteria stage to pick-up her LIFE SIZED award.  Then, to our shock and horror, the trophy began to move... VIOLENTLY.  It attacked Jessica, with a side kick to the chest... like a crazed ninja it cartwheeled across the stage and out a nearby window.  Me with my cat-like reflexes was able to snap off a quick picture of the attack-

Editor's note:
The above account may be somewhat fictionalized...

Here's a close-up of the LIFE-SIZED trophy-

But beware...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Church Camp - Video

Barbara and I facilitated our 9th (correction, 8th) Church of the Hills church camp this past week (July 7th - 10th).  I had twelve 5th and 6th grade boys in my cabin and Barbara had ten 5th and 6th grade girls.  I'm sure you can guess who won the "Cleanest Cabin Award," for like the twelfth year in a row... yeah, it was the girls.

But don't think it was just Barbara and I... it was a complete family affair.  Jacob (going into 5th grade) was in my cabin, Stephanie (going into 4th grade) was in one of the younger cabins, and Jessica (going into 8th grade) was one of the counselors for Stephanie's the 5th and 6th grade girls age group.

We were able to obtain a bootleg copy of the following filmed retro video account representing the early life of the famed archeological duo - Bendy & Anna Jones.  I've posted the three videos that were played in the evening services at camp... afterall, the evening service is the most attended.

Here's the 1st nights performance:

Here's the 2nd nights performance:

Here's the LAST nights performance: