I'm sure you noticed that last month, in November, the BLOG was more dormant than my St Augustine grass in... ummm... November. And I'm also 100% sure that you asked yourself daily (or at least weekly), "why hasn't Eric updated the BLOG? I need... I need... I'm doing my part, I'm babystepping, I'm checking the BLOG... Why?"
Well, I let my wife use my computer. She said, innocuously enough, "I just need to copy a file. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes... " Me being the Good Husband, of course I said, "Sure. Here you go, take your time I'm in no hurry. No hurry at all. It's not like the fate of the free world hangs on every word that appears on our BLOG."
Twenty minutes later, this is what I see on my screen-
Now you know the mystery... the file copy took "23,679 Days and 25 hours." Yep, that's enough to chew up anybody's November.